Mon-Fri 08:00- 17:00hrs



Tax Audit
Tax Audit

A Zimra (Zimbabwe Revenue Authority) tax audit is generally aimed at ensuring that you as corporate taxpayer are making correct tax remittances and tax computations. These may be triggered by various factors that ZIMRA may take into account such as discrepancies between payments & deposits and returns filled. Dealing with ZIMRA (Zimbabwe Revenue Authority) audit questions strategically and accurately will save you as corporate taxpayer as well as ZIMRA valuable time .We are inviting your organization to partner with trinity on your tax affairs.

An audit is an examination of a taxpayer’s financial and accounting records to determine if the records are a fair and accurate representation of transactions that the taxpayer claims to have undertaken. In Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) is responsible for conducting tax audits. If ZIMRA detects possible misdemeanors regarding tax and/or customs issues from the information they have, the authority initiates investigations.

It is important to remain calm and cooperate with the authorities. You may want to consider seeking the help of a competent tax consultant who can represent you before the Revenue Authority.

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